Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Gotta Start Out New

So I decided to start a new blog. Why? I don't know, mostly because I was tired of th other one. Plus, who doesn't like new things?

So far the married life is great. Who doesn't love spending time with their best friend? We've been spending most of our time moving and cleaning and organizing, which isn't all that fun, but doing it together makes it not so bad.

Remy had purchased a condo last year (almost a year ago exactly) and we both put in a lot of hours fixing it up....he did more than me, but hey, it's his house right? ;) Well since getting married I've filled that little place to the brim. I'm actually surprised at our ability to find places for almost everything. It's always that last random bit of stuff that never has a home. Which means I should probably just throw it away...

This past weekend I started feeling a little sick, which is a bummer on a long weekend. But it was pretty adorable because as soon as I say I don't feel well Remy asks if I want him to run to the store and get Sprite or ice cream. I just love him!

As one of our wedding gifts Remy's parents bought us a flat screen T.V. So we FINALLY bought a T.V. stand to put it in...I took pics of the building process...we got it at IKEA and this is one of their nice hefty pieces so it was quite a project! I'll post those soon!

Forgot to mention the pictures are courtesy of Cherie Hogan http://www.cheriehoganphotography.com/

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