Thursday, January 10, 2013

It's the 3rd Trimester!

What the?  How did that happen already?!

I'm not going to complain or anthing, but geez that was fast!  Knowing that we're just about10 weeks away from meeting this little dude is crazy.  And so exciting.

And makes me realize how NOT ready we are.

Which is okay, I mean there is still time, but it's making me really want to have the nursery ready.

Like now.

Up until last week the poor kid's room was just full of all our extra junk.  We live in a 2 bedroom condo and so that 2nd bedroom is some valuable real estate.  It's where I keep my clothes, where I do my make up, our office, craft space, it keeps our extra furniture and random other crap that has no where else to go. 

But now, it's looking so much better!  We've been having people come take a look at our place to bid out some work we'd like to have done.  One of the people who came over was a designer.  And he rocked!  First off he complimented a bunch of the choices we had already made in our little place so you can't help but love someone who does that, am I right?  Well when we showed him the future baby's room he pointed out how much "stuff" we have.  And he's like, let's go right now, let's start hauling this stuff out.  And I kid you not once he left I did.  He totally motivated me.  He pointed out how we're living in a transitional space so we don't need all this stuff.  Save it for when we have a real house.  For crying out loud there are only two of us who live there, why do we need it all?!  Seriously, it was the much needed kick in the pants I've been needing.  He was SOOOO right.  By the end of that day I was able to clear out and THROW AWAY the cabinet I had that held all my crafting crap.  Which is a pretty big accomplishment!

And that was just the momentum we needed.  I cannot believe how much stuff we've cleared out in the past week or so.  Multiple bags of garbage, tons of DI stuff...I do not know how it even all fit in there.

So we're getting there!  And I'm pretty excited.  Seriously, I can't wait to pull the whole room together.  I've been taking pictures so I can't wait to see the whole transformation once it's done.

And I actually have a baby bump pic, but for some reason blogger won't let me upload, so I'll post it another time.

1 comment:

  1. Wahoo for clearing out extra space! I need the designer to come to my house. I always joke that I must have been a hoarder in a past life, because I have the HARDEST time getting rid of things. When we were getting ready to move though, I obviously had to part with some stuff, so I would call my sister and have her tell me that it was okay to throw x, y, and z out. Silly, but it does help to have someone else tell you to get rid of it. :)


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