Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Where's Malcom Wednesday

It's time for a Where's Malcom Wednesday.

Flashback version!

Malcom loves things that blow heat.  And he has since his little life began.   He loves sitting on the heater vents and also the fan on my laptop.  When he was just a little kitten he would cuddle up next to the fan when I would sit on the bed working (What?  Watching Grey's Anatomy IS work).

He was small.  He was not inhibiting my online viewing experience.   It was cute.

See Figure A:


Malcom still loves the hot air...but he's....well...

He is not small.  He prevents me from using the laptop altogether.

See Figure B:


1 comment:

  1. that is so funny, but make sure you clean out all the cat hair in the fan in your laptop once in awhile. that happened to us and it almost overheated! one of our cats loves the heater by our bed and cuddles with me whenever it's on. i love it.


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