Monday, October 29, 2012

Never Gets Old

I had my monthly check-up this morning.  The Dr. of course got out the doppler and literally touched my stomach and there was the heart beat.  Is it just me or is it always a huge sense of relief when that happens?  Not necessarily the speedy part, but the part where you can hear it.  My Dr. always lets me listen for a while, which I love.

Can I just tell you, that sound never gets old.

Every time I hear that little heart beat and every time I see the ultrasound pictures on the fridge, I just can't believe it.  I can't believe how amazing it is.

I also can't believe how lucky I've been so far with how easy it's going.  Now, getting the baby there in the first place...not easy.  So I feel like it's only fair.  :)  (Sorry for all of you that have difficult pregnancies!)

Also over the last week or so I've felt the baby moving.  It's so awesome!  Someone described it feeling like muscle spasm without the muscle....which is actually pretty accurate.  I wish I could feel movements more often (though I'm sure later on I might be telling a different story. :) ). 

Later these week is the "Big Ultrasound"!  You know, the one where we can finally assign this baby the right pronoun.  :)  So cast your votes! We are so excited!


  1. I love that thumping little heartbeat too! It always was a relief to ne in the beginning too since you don't feel the baby for a while. Once baby gets bigger you still like that sweet sound but you feel lots of wiggles confirming baby is doing good :) That's such a fun stage too ! Congrats again...can't wait to hear what you're having!

  2. Ooh, so exciting! Feeling your baby move is absolutely incredible! And I agree that when you have to work extra hard to get that baby there in the first place, you deserve a comfortable pregnancy. :) I think I guess... boy!


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