Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Where's Malcom Wednesday

I can't believe how fancy I am!  A video?  Wow. 

Honestly I'm just happy I was able to figure out how to get the videos off of my phone!  I thought they were stuck there forever!

No really, I did.

So in this week's installment of Where's Malcom Wednesday, our story begins with a cat who likes to put himself above everyone.  Seriously.  He's always on top of anything he can manage that is at leat 5 feet off the ground. His thing is to leap from the bed onto the open bifold closet doors and just perch himself there and look down on everyone.  Only this time when he made the leap, the doors were shut.  (He's not the brightest crayon in the box at times)  Miraculously he was able to fit his paws in the gap between the door and the track.  How, I do not know.  And I only wish I could have caught that on camera! 

But here he is in all his glory...hanging....from the closet doors.


  1. that is hilarious! My cats have never tried that....yet.

  2. Yeah we got a kick out of it. I don't know if the shadows made it look like it was open to him or if he's really just that full of himself...
    You should just stick your cats up on the door to give them a feel for it. ;)


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