TGIF is all I have to say right now. Seriously.
Here's a quick run down of the crap that's gone on: ice dispenser on fridge broke, dishwasher lost all power, a diamond fell out of my ring, the furnace had a crack and had to be replaced, we replaced the A/C too, my car died, and then I discovered we have no hot water. Now here are the details...
So about a month ago our dishwasher died. Just died. Oh and BTW Remy just bought it a year ago. Then literally a few days later the ice dispenser on the fridge gave up the ghost as well. This isn't such a big deal, but still. It's a year old. So the race against the calendar was on to make sure we could get the repairs covered under warranty. Because the one year mark was mighty close if not passed. I'll spare you the details but in the end it took some detective work on Lowe's part to find us a receipt and then look up the delivery date. Eventually they found everything we needed and the repair was covered!
Wednesday Remy had the dishwasher guy come and also some guy to inspect the furnace. Just because it's old and it probably needed some TLC. Well next thing I know Remy calls me to tell me the furnance had to be shut off because it had a crack and we have to buy a new one. Awesome. Then we ended up buying a new A/C too because it's old and would probably die soon too. -Oh sure, let me just go pick that $5,000 off my money tree real quick. Oops, my money tree isn't blooming yet, let me try my butt . -Dang. Nothing there either.
And the story continues...yesterday I was driving with my friend Amanda to her house and was headed up the hill by the capitol. I was stopped at a stop light, and my engine just died. Died. On a hill. If Amanda wouldn't have been there I would have just lost it. She kept me calm and I'm so thankful for her! Then two guys from work saw us and pulled over and drove me back to Remy's office and took Amanda home. That was SOOO nice of them. So as of right now I have no idea what's wrong with it.
Oh wait, there's more. I finally get home at just crash to watch my shows. :) I went to wash my face and get ready for bed so I turn on the hot water faucet. Nothing but cold. So I went to the kitchen and turned on that faucet to confirm -let it run for a while, nothing. That was it. I just wept like a baby. I'm sure when they shut of the gas to replace the furnace the pilot light just went out and they didn't light it again. But we didn't notice the next morning because when we showered we just used what warm water was left. But still. I thought we were done after the furnace, cuz don't they say it comes in threes? Well, we've passed three so if you could just leave us alone now that would be super.