Friday, April 22, 2011

Just Do Your Business and Go

If I'm in the bathroom at work, or clearly on my way into the bathroom -just save your conversation for later.  I don't like talking in bathrooms.  I just don't.  I don't want to talk about the day, or what I'm doing this weekend.  It's just weird.  If the only time we are going to see each other is in the bathroom, we probably don't care that much about what the other has to say anyway.  Right? 

Maybe I'm just weird.  But if someone else enters the bathroom while I'm in there, I do everything possible to either make it completely out of the room before they exit the stall or make a judgment call based on several factors if it's just better to wait this one out.  Anyone?  Anyone?

Recently I had such an encounter.  I was trying to get myself out of the bathroom as quickly as possible, well the girl who came in finished WAY faster than she should have so as I literally sprinted to the door she was walking to the sink.  As I flew out, she yells, "oh hi Meggan." 


The worst part is that she saw me SEVERAL days later and said that I must be a really busy person, I sure was rushing out the door that day in the bathroom. 

Double awkward.

All I'm saying is that I'm there for one purpose, and one purpose only.  Let me give you a hint, it's not to chat. So back up off me.

(I would like to note that going in a restroom with a group of friends is different for some reason, so friends who I might see out's okay, you can talk...just not while anyone is actually IN the stall. Okay?)

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I like this post. I get super uncomfortable when people are in a stall talking and you know it's not to you...only to find out they are on the phone! Seriously!? Yuck. I can't tell you how many times that happened to me when I was working. They were usually on a bluetooth. Super gross if you ask me.


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