Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Where's Malcom Wednesday

It's time to revisit Where's Malcom Wednesday.

This post is also slightly embarrassing to me because...well, you'll see...


Preparing for a flood there?

Apparently I am.  Oops.

Malcom LOVES to hide behind the curtains.  There's a heater vent back there for one, which we already know he loves to sit on.  But he also can catch some rays back there, plus, who just doesn't like to look out the window?  Well, now we can easily spot him when he IS behind them, because well...I shrunk the curtains.

They used to go all the way to the floor.  They were the perfect length as a matter of fact.  Remy's mother was so kind to hem them for him when he bought the place.  I decided to be a good housewife (which I'm not) and give the curtains a good wash (and dry).  Yeah so apparently drying them wasn't the best idea.  I didn't even know it was POSSIBLE for fabric to shrink that much!  That's a good 4 inches!

Now it just looks really funny when the cat goes back can see you!

**Note to self: LET CURTAINS AIR DRY!

1 comment:

  1. No worries...I have totally shrunk my curtains before! Frustrating indeed.


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