Friday, March 25, 2011

Where's Malcom

So this post has no picks.  Let me explain.

I shut him in the coat closet and left for 6 hours.

Let me explain.

Last Saturday my sister Heather and I went to LADY GAGA!!  So fun!  Well as we were preparing to leave, I opened the coat closet to decide what coat to bring.  Then I shut the door and left.

Fast forward 6 hours to when we get home.  I open the front door and hear some meowing.  But Grey was the one sitting there...and she DOESN'T meow  (unless of course it's 7:00 on a Saturday morning and she wants either food, attention, or both then she won't shut up).  So naturally I was a little confused.  Then I realized that was CLEARLY a Malcom meow.  It was loud nearby, but I couldn't see him in anywhere.  The poor guy let out another distress call and I realized where it was coming from.  I opened the closet and there he was on the shelf above all the coats.  He had climbed the coats I guess and knocked everything off the sheft and was just sitting there freaking out.

I actually felt kind of bad...since it was like 6 hours...but he lived and still loves to climb in the closet as soon as you open the door, so he's sort of asking for it if you ask me.  :)

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